To really understand how we do what we do, we thought it would be best to give you some breakdowns of how we have done for others. Whilst at the fintech Curve we honed our approach on projects ranging from football to middle fingers, all the while sweating the assets in a bunch of interesting ways.
Bang for buck, its all well and good saying it, but how do you prove it?
Curve it like…
…in which we explain in less than 3 minutes how we trimmed the fat by nearly 3/4 with an international film series for the fintech Curve by cutting coat-to-cloth.
Lewes FC
… in which the perfect brand partnership between Curve and Lewes FC persuades non-football fan Rich to buy a football club.
Project ‘Bird’
…in which we work out a way to give Parliament the middle finger at cost for the benefit financial freedom.